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The Full Story
I have been painting watercolors, acrylics, and drawing since I was in elementary school. I was on the yearbook staff in high school, but majored in Psychology when I was at Mills College in California. My high school teacher was a good artist but not a pleasant man. I didn't want to grow up to be like him. I took all the non-major classes I could, especially in Art History. When I came back to the University of Utah, I specialized in Physiological Psychology to study about the brain. I still took all of the non-major Art classes that I could. I graduated early and drew in my spare time managing an Art supply store.
I did my first watercolor since Junior High and it was accepted in a local art show. From then on, I exhibited in National and International watercolor shows. I went back to the University of Utah in Art, was exempted from the Foundations classes (since I was exhibiting) and I took drawing, life drawing, etching, oil painting, portrait and more art classes until I had earned another major.
I was starting to get into books and magazines in the West, when I needed to get divorced from an abusive man. I got a job teaching for a private school, the Utah Arts Council, and the University of Utah. When I needed benefits, I started teaching for a junior high in a diverse school and still taught after school and in the summers for the University of Utah for 31 years. I taught horse back riding all that time, as well.
I am now painting full time.